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Text File | 1993-10-11 | 29.2 KB | 641 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#196/04-Oct-93
- =====================
- The Newton remains in the news, with Apple putting the automatic
- update process in place so you can call an 800 number to
- upgrade the OS to 1.04. I take a brief spin through many of
- the Internet Newton resources and review PBTools, a truly
- elegant PowerBook utility. Finally, readers chime in with
- their concerns about Apple's seemingly self-destructive
- marketing techniques - is there a conspiracy involved? Where's
- Oliver Stone when you need him?
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * APS Technologies -- 800/443-4199 -- 71520.72@compuserve.com
- APS DAT (2 GB) now priced at $749 internal/ $799 external!
- For APS price lists, email: aps-prices@tidbits.com <----- new
- Copyright 1990-1993 Adam & Tonya Engst. Details at end of issue.
- Automated info: <info@tidbits.com> Comments: <ace@tidbits.com>
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/04-Oct-93
- Natives Restless Over Proliferation
- Newton Electronic Updates
- Newton Internet Resources
- The PowerBook Purist
- Reviews/04-Oct-93
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-196.etx; 30K]
- MailBITS/04-Oct-93
- ------------------
- For those who have been confused when calling the direct order
- line for Hayden to order The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh
- and having Prentice-Hall Computer Publishing answer, my apologies,
- but don't worry. Prentice-Hall Computer Publishing is the parent
- company of a number of publishers, including Hayden, Brady, Que,
- and others. If you do wish to order directly, Hayden asked me to
- mention that they don't take Discover credit cards. They apologize
- for not making that clear before.
- Natives Restless Over Proliferation
- -----------------------------------
- Truth is stranger than fiction. I didn't do a careful count, but
- last week's article on the October crop of Macs elicited as many
- irate comments as did my editorial on the subject several weeks
- before. Maybe people didn't believe me the first time around - we
- have a problem on our hands.
- Software companies have a major stake in the outcome. Technical
- support is no joke these days. It's not something you can have the
- programmer do when she's taking a break from hammering out code.
- Support in today's real world requires staff trained to not only
- know the products in question cold, but also trained to handle the
- occasional irate customer. Support seldom earns money directly,
- despite Microsoft's recent addition of paid support for people who
- want to call at odd times or want priority into the calling queue.
- So Macintosh developers must consider the increased costs in
- testing and supporting their products on what seems like an
- exponentially increasing number of Macs, and once they have
- considered those costs, decide whether or not they should add
- their voices to ours in calling for a more sensible product line.
- Perhaps Apple will listen to the developers who keep the platform
- moving forward if they won't listen to the customers whose dollars
- contribute to Apple's bottom line.
- A number of people commented that the reason Apple is creating
- differently numbered Macs for specific retailers is probably
- because that way each retailer can safely offer a guarantee that
- they will beat any price on the same system from another store.
- Since many of the stores won't carry the same models, there's no
- worry about the competition.
- In any event, here are a few of the letters we received after
- TidBITS #195_ that make the point especially well.
- **Saurabh Misra** <smisra@eos.ncsu.edu> writes:
- Lunacy. That is how you can describe Apple's naming scheme for new
- computers. Complete lunacy. I thought I kept up with new models
- better than anyone I knew, but I give up. LC 475, Performa 476,
- LC040... oh, forgive me isn't that a processor?
- Buyers don't like being confused by smart naming schemes. If Apple
- doesn't stop, maybe one day there will be more Macintosh models
- than there are buyers.
- **Clint Laskowski** <Clint.Laskowski@mixcom.mixcom.com> writes:
- I have been very involved in the Mac revolution. For 6 years I
- sold Apple II and Macintosh personal computers (and Intel-based
- PCs too). I also worked for two Macintosh software developers.
- Most recently, I have spent the last 4 years providing Macintosh
- consulting services in the Midwest. I think I have a credible
- background regarding the Mac.
- I agree that the number of Macintosh models is insane. There is no
- way anyone can follow these things. My customers are confused. I
- am sure retail sales people are confused. I am sure third-party
- vendors are confused. The Macintosh market is confused. I'll bet
- if we put Apple's top executives on a stage and asked them simple
- questions about product features vs. product models, they too
- would be confused. And this state of confusion is leading
- customers to consider other computers. Any military expert will
- tell you that confusion is a major reason for poor performance by
- a well-trained fighting team on a modern battlefield. Can the
- marketplace be all that different?
- I love Apple and the Macintosh. I have based my career on them. I
- can understand some of Apple's problems. But I cannot stand to see
- them fragment and confuse their market. Why are they doing this? A
- competitor couldn't do a better job of destroying Apple's
- potential! [Hmm, perhaps it's time for a conspiracy theory. -Adam]
- **Mark Maris** <mmaris@mv.mv.com> writes:
- My first letter to you folks, but I couldn't help it. The latest
- issue of TidBITS is so ridiculous that I must vent my outrage! I
- mean really, how could you foist off the Performa article (in "The
- Proliferation Continues") as serious, when we are not even close
- to April 1st? Everyone knows that Apple has some of the most
- astute marketing people in the industry, and would never, ever
- follow a path that might confuse (or Heaven forbid) anger its
- customers!
- Given that Apple marketing is much too intelligent to follow such
- a monumentally stupid course of action, and also given that I
- believe you are both honest, may I offer the following alternative
- reality?
- I think that the announcement of the new Performa models must be
- the product of a cabal of PC clone makers, probably headquartered
- somewhere in south central Texas. Sitting around a conference
- table, sipping something way too strong for a normal business
- lunch, these ingenious fiends mused on various ways to derail the
- competition.
- "What could we do to induce users to leave Apple products in
- droves?" they asked. "What would virtually guarantee that people
- would be so confused and frustrated that they would leave an
- obviously superior user interface, and migrate to the junk
- operating environment that we bundle on our machines?"
- "I HAVE IT!" one particularly inebriated shareholder yapped. "It's
- the distribution channel, stupid! We could fake an Apple product
- announcement: Dozens of Macs with nearly, but not quite, identical
- features... nothing but meaningless model numbers to differentiate
- them... no obvious reasons or market strategy for the flurry of
- models. And... get this... we'll say that Apple will only market
- certain models through certain dealers!"
- "Brilliant," said the Chairman (also well lubricated). "If people
- believe it, they'll conclude that Apple has abandoned any pretext
- at customer service. Obviously, no one would ever be able to keep
- track of operating system versions in that crowded a product line.
- Users would become hopelessly lost, just trying to upgrade!" By
- this time, the group was laughing so hard, they were reduced to
- tears.
- "Also," the Vice-Chair said, gasping for breath, "for a company to
- single-source a model through one dealer is to explicitly
- encourage that dealer to gouge the public on that model, and
- someone is bound to make that connection. Go with it!"
- And so, before the group could sober up, the plan was launched.
- The announcement was smuggled into the normal distribution
- channels, and you subsequently received it. I am certain that,
- within a very short time, angry Apple executives will issue a
- vehement denial of this sick joke, and we will all sleep easier.
- Well, that's about it. I enjoy TidBITS a lot, but I think you
- might want to check your information sources more carefully in the
- future. Otherwise, these obviously ridiculous items might damage
- your credibility.
- **Charles Gervais** <cgervais@uoguelph.ca> forwarded this excerpt
- from an article Jack Nissel wrote in an Apple II magazine called
- II Alive:
- Want to be the first on your block to get the new Macintosh models
- when they come out? Then join Apple's Mac of The Month Club!
- Imagine... the latest and greatest Apple Macintosh computer
- delivered to your door, each and every month. (If more than one
- Macintosh is introduced in any given month, you'll have your
- choice of receiving any or all of them!) Here's how it works. Each
- month, the Mac of the Month Club will select a Macintosh for you.
- You'll receive a card in the mail telling you what your monthly
- selection is. If you want to receive that Macintosh model, do
- nothing! Your Macintosh will be sent to you automatically. If you
- don't want the Macintosh model the Club has selected, just return
- the card and indicate your alternate selection. Yes, it's that
- easy!
- Join the Mac of the Month Club today! Choose any six current
- Macintosh models for only one penny (plus shipping and handling).
- Then simply agree to buy an additional 14 Macintosh models (at
- regular Club prices) in the next two years.
- Newton Electronic Updates
- -------------------------
- Andy Stadler of Apple passed on a note that the Newton software
- update service is now online and accepting calls. There are two
- numbers, an 800 number for U.S. customers, and a normal number for
- overseas callers, although given that the Newton doesn't currently
- understand languages other than English (or things like
- specialized mathematics terms), I can't imagine that there are
- many overseas users yet. I hope to see dictionaries and support
- for other languages and specialized terms appearing soon, although
- I haven't heard of much activity on that front. The numbers to
- call for the update are:
- 800/NEWTON9 -- 707/226-8839
- And, although these instructions will only help Newton users, I'm
- including them here so everyone can see how utterly easy it is
- (assuming the modem works properly) to get the update. I'd like to
- see similar services from Macintosh software companies as well -
- it could be cheaper and faster for many users.
- Update Instructions
- These instructions describe how to update your Newton software
- using a fax modem.
- 1. Connect the fax modem to your Newton. (Plug the fax modem cable
- into Newton's communication port. If you need more instructions,
- refer to the manual that came with your fax modem.)
- 2. Turn on your Newton and the fax modem.
- 3. Open the Extras Drawer.
- 4. Tap In Box.
- 5. Tap Receive, and then tap Enhancement.
- 6. In the space for a phone number, write 1-800-639-8669 (1-800-
- NEWTON9), or double-tap the space and tap out the phone number in
- the phone keypad that appears. For calls outside of the United
- States, please use 707-226-8839.
- 7. Tap Call. The connection is made and installation of the update
- begins. Installation takes about a minute.
- 8. Tap Restart when installation is complete. (Restarting does not
- erase any of your personal information.)
- 9. After Newton restarts, open the battery compartment and press
- the Reset button. (Pressing Reset does not erase any of your
- personal information.)
- If a problem occurs, press Reset again and try receiving the
- enhancement again. As always, if you need technical support, call
- 800/SOS-APPL.
- Newton Internet Resources
- -------------------------
- For all of the quibbling and carping in the mass media about the
- Newton, interest has been enormous (Apple reported 50,000 units
- sold so far), certainly larger than for any Mac since the first
- PowerBooks, and in many ways even larger. It took a lot longer to
- create a comp.sys.mac.portables newsgroup than it did to create
- three Newton newsgroups on Usenet. But I'm getting ahead of
- myself.
- I want to look here at a number of the Newton resources appearing
- daily on the Internet. I'm sure some of this information also
- appears on ZiffNet, CompuServe, America Online, AppleLink, Delphi,
- BIX, and the others, but frankly, it's probably a lot easier to
- find there. You need more help to find Newton information on the
- Internet, and that's what I hope to provide.
- Newton on Usenet
- Three Newton newsgroups passed the Usenet voting process by
- significant margins (average margin of 455 yes votes to 33 no
- votes) not quite three weeks ago. The first,
- comp.sys.newton.announce, provides a moderated forum for
- announcements, FAQ postings, and other important announcements
- (Michael Nowak <mnowak@umich.edu> is the current moderator).
- Discussions of postings in comp.sys.newton.announce take place in
- either of the other two newsgroups, comp.sys.newton.misc and
- comp.sys.newton.programmer, both of which ought to be relatively
- obvious in terms of traffic. Neither are moderated.
- From what I saw in a brief visit, the latter two groups have a
- healthy amount of traffic, and the announce group has just a few
- well-chosen postings. If you're interested in dipping into the
- river of Newton information, these groups are a good place to
- start.
- Newton Mailing Lists
- For people who can't or don't wish to read Usenet, there are
- several mailing lists of interest. First is a LISTSERV list at
- Dartmouth that appears to have plenty of knowledgeable Newton
- aficionados. To subscribe, send email to:
- with this line in the body of the message:
- SUBSCRIBE NEWTON-L your full name
- Once you're on, you can send questions and comments to this
- address (but please make sure to only send subscription and
- signoff commands to the LISTSERV address):
- Michael Nowak, the moderator of comp.sys.newton.announce, also
- runs a mailing list associated with the group for those not on
- Usenet. You can subscribe to the Newton-Announce mailing list by
- sending a request to:
- newton-announce-request@umich.edu
- and you can send submissions for both the mailing list and the
- newsgroup to:
- newton-announce@umich.edu
- Newton File Site
- Of course, FTP sites holding cool software are one of the best
- parts of the Internet, and thanks to Rob Bruce <robbruce@bnnrc-
- srv.med.jhu.edu>, Newton users have one. The archive supports
- Gopher access, and has gobs of files last I looked, including
- archives of at least some of the discussion groups covering the
- Newton. Definitely worth a look at:
- bnnrc-srv.med.jhu.edu
- You can send submissions of articles or binary files to Rob via
- email, or if you prefer, you can put them in the directory
- /pub/incoming.
- Other sites worth looking at include Apple's Higher Education
- Gopher server at:
- info.hed.apple.com
- Look in the directory called Apple Corporate News for Apple
- propaganda about the Newton and the Mac, and the Product
- Information directory contains information and tips for Newton
- users.
- Also check out sumex and mac.archive, the two major FTP and Gopher
- file sites for the Macintosh, both of which carry Newton files. On
- <sumex-aim.stanford.edu> look in the /info-mac/newton directory,
- and on <mac.archive.umich.edu> look in the /newton directory.
- Finally, there is an FTP site at <ftp.uth.tmc.edu> that stores
- some GIF images of the Newton and the Newton logo in the
- /public/newton/newton_gifs directory.
- Newton FAQs
- What would a newsgroup on the Internet be without a FAQ
- (Frequently Asked Questions) list? Overwhelmed with the same old
- questions, that's what. The Newton community responded to the
- need, and Paul R. Potts <potts@oit.itd.umich.edu> has created
- several FAQ lists that are posted on comp.sys.newton.announce and
- made available on the FTP site mentioned above. From glancing
- through the /pub/newton/FAQ directory on the FTP site, plenty of
- other FAQ-like lists of information on Easter Eggs, bugs, wish
- lists, developer information, and the like exist as well. If
- you're merely thinking about getting a Newton, I definitely
- recommend that you read through all of these postings for the
- latest details on what's wrong and what's right.
- Newton Web Server
- This all may seem fragmented, just as many Internet resources do,
- and to condense all of these resources, Chuck Shotton created a
- World-Wide Web server that pulls many (if not all) of these
- resources together into one place. You do need a World-Wide Web
- browser to see this, but luckily there's a great one in
- development right now for those who have MacTCP connections
- (although it's a bit slow over a 14.4 SLIP connection). To get
- this browser, NCSA Mosaic for the Macintosh B2, FTP to
- <ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu> and look in the directory /Mac/Mosaic. It's
- big, and again, you need a MacTCP connection to use it, but the
- Web is seriously cool and worth checking out.
- Anyway, the Web server that Chuck Shotton set up has links to many
- of these resources, and it's a good way to browse, especially with
- a fast connection. To connect to the Newton Web server in NCSA
- Mosaic for the Mac, from the File menu choose Open URL (which
- stands for Universal Resource Locator). In the resulting Load
- Network dialog box, enter the following:
- http://www.uth.tmc.edu/newton_info/
- If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or contributions,
- you can contact Chuck at <cshotton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu>. He
- mentioned in the announcement that he's especially interested in
- hearing from administrators of existing Newton archives in order
- to figure out a way of making the existing information more easily
- browsed via Gopher and the World-Wide Web.
- The PowerBook Purist
- --------------------
- Billy Steinberg dislikes frills. This becomes most evident in
- PBTools, his package of PowerBook utilities marketed by Inline
- Design and supported by Microseeds. PBTools offers elegant, basic,
- PowerBook functions without loading the program down in order to
- compete in the current industry featuritis epidemic.
- PBTools has four sections, PowerWatch, SafeSleep, PowerControl,
- and PBKeys. The PBTools window provides four buttons corresponding
- to the four sections, and the section title itself is a pop-up
- menu for alternative access to the different sections. PBTools
- places a single battery icon, monogrammed with the initials PB
- when you're running on battery power, in the menu bar to the left
- of the Balloon Help icon. Rather than provide several icons and
- changing cursors and all that, PBTools packs a ton of information
- into that single icon. The icon has three visually distinct states
- - battery power, AC Fast Charge, and AC Slow Charge. Two dots
- appear over the battery when AppleTalk is on, and a broken bar
- appears over it all while the drive spins up. While the drive
- spins normally, the bar shows solid. An up arrow icon does replace
- the battery icon when the Caps Lock is on, but does anyone use
- Caps Lock seriously? In each state, a fully charged battery is
- entirely black, and as you use power the black drains out. This
- works well, although I find it hard to see the PB in the battery
- picture when it's on battery power and about half full. The thick
- and thin lightning bolts for fast and slow charging work better
- visually.
- PBTools provides a menu from its menu bar icon. The menu offers
- commands for Sleep (an immediate sleep that doesn't ask about
- AppleTalk), Wake/Sleep Hard Drive, and AppleTalk On/Off/On at
- Restart, along with a shortcut for opening the PBTools Control
- panel and a menu that lets you select which battery is in use.
- More on multiple batteries in a bit.
- PowerWatch
- Unlike other PowerBook utilities which tell you battery percentage
- or estimated time remaining, PBTools simply displays battery
- voltages, the only real numbers available. This might sound overly
- technical, but the PowerWatch part of PBTools displays a graph
- over time (you can change the time length from three to 96 hours
- by clicking on it) of battery usage so you can easily see which
- voltages correspond to which icon states. PBTools lets you track
- up to four batteries and calibrate the icon displays (how many
- volts equate to which display for a given battery). I only have
- one battery, so I couldn't play with this much, but for people
- with several batteries, this will be useful since all batteries
- are different and change over time. You can even export your
- battery tracking log to a tab-delimited text file, but I think
- Billy momentarily lost track of his goal of simple elegance there.
- I can't imagine wanting to analyze such a log further. PBTools is
- smart about different types of PowerBooks, and automatically
- chooses the proper battery type depending on the PowerBook.
- [PowerWatch helped last weekend with my new Duo 230. I plugged the
- Duo in all Friday night, but Saturday morning the battery was
- almost completely run down. As Saturday went on, the battery still
- didn't charge. PBTools indicated that the battery was stuck in
- slow (trickle) charge mode and that the voltage was decreasing
- slightly over time. Subsequent troubleshooting and a call to Apple
- revealed something wrong enough to warrant repair, but it was
- great to have the PBTools information while speaking to Apple's
- tech support person. -Tonya]
- You can turn off the PBTools menu from within the PowerWatch
- section, and there's also a ChargeAlert function that alerts you
- if the charger is plugged into the PowerBook (not necessary on
- Duos) but doesn't appear to be charging the battery, probably
- because it's not plugged into the wall. Handy, since Apple's
- Battery DA just notices the fact of the charger being plugged into
- the Mac.
- SafeSleep
- The SafeSleep part of PBTools is the least interesting to me,
- because it lets you password-protect your PowerBook. When you
- install PBTools, you can enter your name, address, phone, and
- reward information should you lose the PowerBook. You can enter
- anything you want in those six lines and they display whenever
- PBTools asks for your password at startup or wakeup. You can also
- set PBTools to just request a password, and you can have it accept
- any key as a password (which is good if you want to display the
- owner information, but aren't concerned with protection). PBTools
- will clear the screen either before sleeping or on wakeup so no
- one can see your work, and you can always change your password and
- change the timeout length, after which PBTools puts the PowerBook
- back to sleep if the correct password hasn't been entered. This
- password protection is not serious - booting with the shift key
- down circumvents it, but it's fine for basic privacy. I don't like
- having passwords, and much of the PowerBook's attraction is
- instant access to my work, so I turned SafeSleep off entirely.
- PowerControl
- Here's the part of PBTools that Billy Steinberg feels most
- appropriately handles settings for system sleep, drive sleep, and
- backlight dimming. Unlike other utilities which provide lots of
- options and let you create sets of different settings, PBTools
- only has time limits for system sleep, drive sleep, and backlight
- dimming based on whether or not the PowerBook is plugged in or
- running from battery. When plugged in, two additional checkboxes
- determine if PBTools will protect the LCD (a matter of inverting
- the screen once per minute after an hour of inactivity) and if it
- will allow the CPU to rest, which isn't necessary with AC power.
- There are four other functions in PowerControl. A checkbox
- controls if AppleTalk loads at startup; if it doesn't load, you
- save 250K of RAM but have to restart to use it. If you have an
- Express Modem, you can turn on a setting that ensures that the
- PowerBook won't fall asleep while the Express Modem is working,
- something that might happen otherwise and cause great
- consternation. Another checkbox lets you thicken thin cursors to
- make them more visible - why this is in the PowerControl section I
- couldn't tell you. Finally, a Deep Discharge button claims to do
- the best deep discharge of any software product for those of you
- with nickel-cadmium batteries.
- PBKeys
- The final section, PBKeys, lets you define shortcuts for the
- standard PowerBook functions, system sleep, drive sleep, find
- cursor (a circle flashes around the cursor), and oddly enough,
- drive wake. Why would you want to wake your drive manually?
- PBTools can disable caps lock, although a sub-checkbox provides
- access with shift-caps lock. Another option makes PBTools beep if
- you press the caps lock key, my favorite for the "key most in need
- of being moved off of the keyboard" award. A final checkbox remaps
- the arrow keys when the control key is down, so control-up arrow
- is PageUp, control-down arrow is PageDown, control-left arrow is
- Home, and control-right arrow is End. Handy, I suppose, but Nisus
- has similar commands internally, as do most word processors. [The
- controls work great in Eudora! -Tonya]
- What's not there
- PBTools doesn't have a lot of features in this day and age;
- however, many of the "missing" features are easily found elsewhere
- or frivolous. The free SuperClock does clock-functions admirably,
- and I see no need for the airport wakeup feature common in other
- packages since it's easier and possibly safer to put your
- PowerBook through the X-ray machine (set it well into the machine,
- away from the roller motor).
- I admit that I'm fond of CPU's sticky menus. You could argue that
- such a feature is out of PBTools's design range, but every
- PowerBook has a trackball, and every third-party trackball I know
- of comes with a click-lock function. Sticky menus seems like a
- function every PowerBook should have, and thus appropriate for
- PBTools. In addition, I would like to see a keyboard shortcut for
- cycling among applications. Many utilities offer these options,
- but I like to run as small a system as possible on the PowerBook.
- Finally the one keyboard shortcut I'd like to see added is one
- that toggles AppleTalk on and off (or of course, PBTools could do
- it automatically).
- Overall
- For the minimalist who wants the most from the PowerBook with the
- least distraction, nothing comes close to PBTools. If you like
- playing with lots of settings, you'll like the PowerWatch battery
- tracking graphs, but another of the packages may provide more
- buttons to push, menus to choose, settings to set, and displays to
- watch.
- PBTools has some of the best balloon help I've seen, and perhaps
- the biggest balloon I've seen (it describes all the possible icon
- states). If you get PBTools, turn on balloon help and explore; you
- won't regret it. The manual is equally as refreshing in that it
- provides background as to why and when you might want to use the
- various features in different situations. With PowerBooks as
- different as they are from desktop Macs, the information about
- power usage in the manual is extremely welcome.
- If you use CompuServe or ZiffNet/Mac, Billy provides tremendous
- tech support in various forums when PBTools questions arise; I
- hope Microseeds is as good on the phone. Fortunately, there's not
- much that can go wrong in a package as elegant as PBTools. Highly
- recommended - it's what we use.
- PBTools lists for $99 and is probably available for a good bit
- less (and you can sometimes find it bundled with Inline Sync). If
- you already own an older version of PBTools, there is an updater
- to 1.1 online on the commercial services and on <sumex-
- aim.stanford.edu> as:
- /info-mac/gui/pb-tools-11-updt.hqx
- Inline Design -- 203/435-4995
- Microseeds -- 802/879-3365 -- 802/879-4602 (fax)
- 76004.2100@compuserve.com
- Reviews/04-Oct-93
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 27-Sep-93, Vol. 7, #38
- Lotus Notes 3.0 -- pg. 1
- PainterX2 1.0 -- pg. 39
- * InfoWorld -- 27-Sep-93, Vol. 15, #39
- AV Macs -- pg. 116
- $$
- Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if
- full credit is given. Others please contact us. We don't guarantee
- accuracy of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com
- Author of The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh -- tisk@tidbits.com